Day Seven - Friday, August 2, 2024

The faithful prayers of Tom, Darcel, Melodee, Gary, Adele, Marge, Sandy, Amy, Brenda and Karin have seen this mission team through many hours and days. Thank you sincerely!

“I ❤️ LaPaz” sign with our team in back.


The results are in: our MOST Ministries Team 2413 in Honduras served 459 people through the eyeglass clinic this week. We feel blessed to be a blessing.


Keith led our morning devotion with a reading from Jesus Calling about walking by faith not by sight.

Afterwards Christen affirmed Keith with words about how, as they both were “pointers” serving side-by-side in the testing station all week, he grew in his faith as he opened up with people serving humbly.

Our song was “Walk by Faith not by Sight” by Keith and Krystin Getty.

Today we head out for what MOST ministries calls a “Cultural Day.” Our host loaded us up into a 20-seat bus and drove us about 15 miles northwest to a bigger town where we could see a few of the sites.

One was the Comayagua cathedral clock, also known as the Arabic clock. It is a gear clock dating from the medieval times. It is considered the oldest clock in the Americas and the oldest gear clock in the world still in operation since it has been working presumably for more than 900 years.

In the belfry.

On the way back we stopped to buy a couple watermelon.

We shared our watermelon with the managers of the hotel.

Tonight we ordered in pizza, which was delicious … after a week of mostly pollo, rice, refried beans and tortillas.

Alysia, team leader, held a meeting to end our day. It was a “re-entry” meeting, where we learned that we should examine ourselves with this question: “What does God now want me to do with my life?”

She told us we may have a wide variety of feelings or attitudes when we get home. Some of us may be assimilators, isolators, alienators, or integrators. She explained what that means in terms of taking this mission trip experience with us into our everyday lives. She is an excellent team leader and we are blessed that her passion is to lead these teams with MOST ministries!

Our flights are still on-schedule for Saturday.


Joel led our final devotion.

“What did we do all week?” We were the hands and feet of Jesus, we served, we brought sight.

“Why?” We are told to serve. We joined Jesus on his mission.

We were available but it wasn’t always easy. The people got something —better vision. Some could now read again. Some could see their sewing better.

We showed mercy. We did some good stuff but we need to connect the whatever did with the why we did it. Luke 16 tells the account of the rich man and Lazarus. What is the “sin” of the rich man? He saw need and didn’t meet it. In western culture we have more than we need. It’s important to recognize that. We are each called to be generous and even when it hurts. Time, talents and treasure are ours to give. Will we? As Christians we should.

“Repent” is part of that account of the rich man and Lazarus. Jesus self-authenticates Scripture. These Words still matter. The living and active Word changes a person.

We ended by reading these Scriptures: Ephesians 2:8-19, 1 Thess. 2:13, 2 Tim 3:16-17, Romans 15:4

Finally we sang the “Ancient Words” song to end our Friday in the city of peace.


The Word is at work in us, if we open the Scriptures and read it. We gave hope and encouragement here in Honduras to the people who came to the eyeglass clinic and to Pastor Junior and Rosa.

Be in the Word — when you are, it is changing you!


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