Day Five - Wednesday, July 31, 2024

We are so grateful to have prayer partners from St. John's who are supporting this mission trip through their daily prayers: Tom, Darcel, Melodee, Gary, Adele, Judy, Marge, Sandy, Amy, Karin and Brenda.

Rhonda led our morning devotions and helped us understand the journey from euphoria to plummeting when entering a new culture — and a mission trip. We are at the halfway point. We struggle. We focused on many Biblical characters who struggled. Psalm 77:1-7 was written by David who struggled when Saul chased him down. King David always praised God and gave Him glory.

Oh my, were we busy today! There was a full house of people waiting for us when we arrived at 8:30 even though we weren’t opening until 9:00am.

We served 167 people, providing 182 pairs of glasses. We provided 35 people with just sunglasses. Total pairs of glasses distributed today with each person receiving sunglasses and/glasses or just sunglasses was 399 pairs.

These ladies (above) were excited to receive sunglasses as well as prescription glasses.

Nancy helped Olga get her prescription glasses and both enjoyed their brief moment of meeting in LaPaz, Honduras. 🇭🇳 These “brief moments” are how God uses each person on the mission field.

Our young interpreters used a moment of downtime after lunch to demonstrate a Honduran folk dance.

At our evening team meeting, Alysia reminded us tomorrow is our last day of the clinic and it could be sad, so be prepared.

”Much love to the brothers and sisters in your team,” was Pastor Junior’s words about us to Alysia.

Pastor Junior, who is a native Nicaraguan, planted a church here ten years ago.

Christen led our evening devotion and focused on John 16:33, her son’s confirmation verse.

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

She told the story of his 18-year life that was marked by surgeries and health challenges, which he has shown perseverance through.

We closed with a rendition of “Amazing Grace.”

Patrick is our team photographer and he does a great job. See below.


  1. It's helpful to me, and I appreciate being reminded of how it's natural for us humanly, to experience the full range of emotion with all of life; that it is natural to experience ebbs and flows in everything. If I may say, I admire your courage to be out of your comfort zones, and have felt encouraged and inspired reading this blog. Thank you for sharing!!


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